Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Epic Fail... but I will perservere

so yesterday was basically an epic fail.. I had been doing good all day... well almost good... I just didn't have breakfast but for lunch I had A slice of pizza, a whole bunch of raw carrots and broccoli (and a cookie... but let's not talk about that) hahaha.. But that was pretty good for the first day.. Afterwards I went out and bought all of this healthy food which made me feel good but my bank account feel bad hahahah... anyways.. I did well for dinner I had 2 rice cakes, a glass of milk, a granola bar, and some watermelon.. all that was under 500 calories.. but then my friend asked me to go out with her... I had asked her to take me to Target so that I could get tupperware and some other healthy snacks but she decided to go to Panda Express first.. O goodness.. I could not resist the temptation so I ordered a chow mein and black pepper chicken. .. My only saving grace was the fact that I ordered a kid's meal so it didn't have as many calories.. but it did come with a cookie.. I don't think I'll have a problem with cookies anymore because I only really eat chocolate chip cookies and yesterday I had an allergic reaction to it... I haven't had one of those since middle school.. o goodness... May it God trying to help me resist my temptations.. Today is going better... I started my day at the crck of dawn because of this stupid lab that I'm doing so around 5 I ate a granola bar.. then at nine I had unsweetened apple sauce, a rice cake, and some Craisins (C) .. I'm feeling pretty good about today... O ya.. yesterday I worked out(ish) I walked about 2 miles with my friend Starbucks (C) and I didn't get anything.. I was feeling pretty proud.. I have hope that today will be better.. I'll probably go lift weights and do some cardio.. Yay me! Well.. this is going to be a long journey... but i need to lose the weight.

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