Thursday, August 5, 2010

back on track(ish)

SO yesterday wasn't too bad. I went to the gym and actually worked out. It felt so good to be in the gym. I was amazed at how much I wanted to be in there plus I lost weight.. nothing major since it's only been a few days but I finally see progress.. My jeans were even fitting a bit looser today..My legs although are screaming due to all the squats the that my partner in weight loss and I decided to do.. My shoulder that was already badly injured hurts a bit more but it's a good kind of pain. Waking up in pain (even though I didn't today) is a good thing.. It tells you that what you did the day before was worth it.. I hoping that this is all worth it because I really can't have come all this way just to end up empty handed..
during this whole thing I haven't really made a goal for myself. My goal has been basically to lose weight.. I have reasons although some of them may not be right they still are there. I need, want, and pray to lose weight. I'll figure what my goal will be along the way but for now. I'm just going to try to eat healthily, exercise, and watch this weight fall off..

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