Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Epic Fail #2

SO yesterday was another epic fail.. but only because I didn't work out.. but I had a good reason/ excuse... On Monday.. I had an allergic reaction (I think it was to the chocolate chip cookie I ate) and yesterday my face was ridiculously itchy and gross.. the rash still hasn't gone away.. I wouldn't mind if it was anywhere else but it's on my freaking face.. O goodness. it's pretty ridiculous.. but today is probably not going to be any better... my face is till pretty much ridiculous.. thank goodness I'm not white/really light skinned because my face would be completely red.. Yay for pigmentation hahaha. well anyways.. maybe I will go to the gym or do something but I'm cramping pretty badly so.. most likely not.. this doesn't feel like it's going to be a good day.. I have to do my lab and then do my review thingy then study for my lab practical that is tomorrow.. what a great day today will be.. not at all.. anyways.. if anyone actually takes the time to read this I hope you have a good day..

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