Thursday, August 5, 2010

back on track(ish)

SO yesterday wasn't too bad. I went to the gym and actually worked out. It felt so good to be in the gym. I was amazed at how much I wanted to be in there plus I lost weight.. nothing major since it's only been a few days but I finally see progress.. My jeans were even fitting a bit looser today..My legs although are screaming due to all the squats the that my partner in weight loss and I decided to do.. My shoulder that was already badly injured hurts a bit more but it's a good kind of pain. Waking up in pain (even though I didn't today) is a good thing.. It tells you that what you did the day before was worth it.. I hoping that this is all worth it because I really can't have come all this way just to end up empty handed..
during this whole thing I haven't really made a goal for myself. My goal has been basically to lose weight.. I have reasons although some of them may not be right they still are there. I need, want, and pray to lose weight. I'll figure what my goal will be along the way but for now. I'm just going to try to eat healthily, exercise, and watch this weight fall off..

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Epic Fail #2

SO yesterday was another epic fail.. but only because I didn't work out.. but I had a good reason/ excuse... On Monday.. I had an allergic reaction (I think it was to the chocolate chip cookie I ate) and yesterday my face was ridiculously itchy and gross.. the rash still hasn't gone away.. I wouldn't mind if it was anywhere else but it's on my freaking face.. O goodness. it's pretty ridiculous.. but today is probably not going to be any better... my face is till pretty much ridiculous.. thank goodness I'm not white/really light skinned because my face would be completely red.. Yay for pigmentation hahaha. well anyways.. maybe I will go to the gym or do something but I'm cramping pretty badly so.. most likely not.. this doesn't feel like it's going to be a good day.. I have to do my lab and then do my review thingy then study for my lab practical that is tomorrow.. what a great day today will be.. not at all.. anyways.. if anyone actually takes the time to read this I hope you have a good day..

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Epic Fail... but I will perservere

so yesterday was basically an epic fail.. I had been doing good all day... well almost good... I just didn't have breakfast but for lunch I had A slice of pizza, a whole bunch of raw carrots and broccoli (and a cookie... but let's not talk about that) hahaha.. But that was pretty good for the first day.. Afterwards I went out and bought all of this healthy food which made me feel good but my bank account feel bad hahahah... anyways.. I did well for dinner I had 2 rice cakes, a glass of milk, a granola bar, and some watermelon.. all that was under 500 calories.. but then my friend asked me to go out with her... I had asked her to take me to Target so that I could get tupperware and some other healthy snacks but she decided to go to Panda Express first.. O goodness.. I could not resist the temptation so I ordered a chow mein and black pepper chicken. .. My only saving grace was the fact that I ordered a kid's meal so it didn't have as many calories.. but it did come with a cookie.. I don't think I'll have a problem with cookies anymore because I only really eat chocolate chip cookies and yesterday I had an allergic reaction to it... I haven't had one of those since middle school.. o goodness... May it God trying to help me resist my temptations.. Today is going better... I started my day at the crck of dawn because of this stupid lab that I'm doing so around 5 I ate a granola bar.. then at nine I had unsweetened apple sauce, a rice cake, and some Craisins (C) .. I'm feeling pretty good about today... O ya.. yesterday I worked out(ish) I walked about 2 miles with my friend Starbucks (C) and I didn't get anything.. I was feeling pretty proud.. I have hope that today will be better.. I'll probably go lift weights and do some cardio.. Yay me! Well.. this is going to be a long journey... but i need to lose the weight.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Wow... it's been a while

So... I set up this blog and 2008 and I haven't done anything with it since then... that's bad. Well, to you the truth nothing has really changed since the time that I had first begun writing this blog, I'm still in school. Well, I'm no longer in high school but have moved on to the collegiate level.. YAY me. I just finished my first year of college.. wow. I can't believe that that much time has already passed.. the last time I wrote on this blog I was just ending my junior year high school and now I am about to begin my second year of college.. that's crazy how time flies.. but ya.. the real reason that I have restarted writing in this blog is because I have made a decision.. As of today I will be on a diet.. This time I have decided that I would do it sort of right.. Many of the websites that I have been on have said that the best first thing to do is to tell people that you are on a diet so that you can have a support system of sorts.. I decided to write online my decision to go on diet because I have realized that if I tell my family they won;t understand.. My friends might be more understanding but I haven't decides to tell them yet.. as far as they know I've just decided that I would be eating healthier.. it is true that I will be eating healthier but I want it to be more than that.. I want to change my lifestyle altogether. I want to eat healthier, be healthier, and just feel better overall.. so.. ya.. this will hopefully be the first of many post.. Havew a blessed day.. : )